You must be the change you wish to see in the world. -Gandhi
On this Mid-term election day, change is inevitable. In which direction and to what degree, only time will tell. But one thing is certain, the inescapable deluge of political ads will finally subside. After months of mudslinging, the dust will begin to settle while the age old questions still ring in our minds… why can’t politicians play nice? Why does name calling and underhanded conduct win out over acting with integrity and honor? Who first took campaigning to this level, and more importantly, who will make it stop?
It was once said (believed to be by Robert Kennedy),"If not us, who. If not now, when?" urging Americans to take a step toward making change happen in the world. So let’s do that. Now. Let’s all take action to be the change WE want to see in the world.
Let’s pledge to do one thing every day to make the world a better, kinder place. Let’s do what we wish everyone else would do, display simple acts of kindness to be paid forward. Before we know it, the people around us may decide that treating each other with integrity, honor and kindness is how they too want the world to be. Maybe it will even wear off on the politicians.
The time is now. My remote control is on life support, worn out from chronic overuse. Months and months of fast forwarding through nasty political ads has taken its toll. It needs to stop.
What will you do today to begin changing the world?
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